Monetize Your Genius

Discover The Solution To:

The Single Biggest Challenge That Overworked and Undervalued Experts Face…

SPOILER: They Don't Know How To Monetize their Genius!
  Watch This Video First! (Audio On!)

Take the course today!

Land Premium & Paid Speaking Opportunities Pitching Smarter, Not Harder with our Genius Income Blueprint!

Landing paid speaking and consulting opportunities is all about your pitch and communicating your value. While many thought leaders are still using outdated pitch strategies that ignore the psychology behind purchase decisions… Felecia Hatcher mastered the art of the new age of pitching.

Why Your Pitch Will NEVER Work

  • Your timing is off
  • You’re coming off too weak
  • You’re not laying it on thick enough
  • ​You’re not positioning yourself correctly
  • ​You’re pitching to the WRONG people
  • ​Your pitch script relies on features, not benefits 
Bottom line:  Felecia Hatcher has discovered the ultimate winning pitch strategy that works in EVERY niche, business, or deal… and today, she wants to share it with YOU.  

Ready To Sell Your Genius... Better?

Take the Course today

*Limited VIP Availability

Inside The Monetize Your Genius Challenge



Learn how to take your zone of genius and map out what your actual zones of opportunity are with your genius! For 2 Days surround yourself with driven thought leaders, experts and speakers who are excited to learn about making more money with their zone of genius and watch your success skyrocket!



Discover the secret to the topics that command top dollar. Pivoting your message with your signature talk and genius sales pitch that will help you position yourself to attract more true buyers. When you have a great core product pitch, you will have a zone of genius platform that is sustainable and scalable.



Learn how to consistently get booked for high quality opportunities like speaking gigs with the perfect email and phone scripts. Consistently close deals, and obliterate objections. 



You will learn the secrets to selling your talk to premium buyers. Premium value pitches are the secret sauce of exponential scalability. Stop scratching your head, and googling until your fingers fall off. Learn exactly where all the big speakers go to consistently fill their calendars. 



By the end of day 2, you will have a fully completed GENIUS Income Blueprint, that shows you how to do the work once and get paid from now on. Learn how to attract repeat buyers to your signature talk, workshop or sales presentation that you deliver once and keep getting paid for your content over and over again.

Instant Access to the Course

*Limited VIP Availability

Land BIG Speaking Engagements, Corporate Partnerships, Sponsorships, And Influencer Deals!

If you don’t want FAST, LONG-LASTING, HIGH-TICKET growth… This is not the challenge for you. Felecia Hatcher and her students have already generated over one million dollars in speaking engagements…

…and this is only just the beginning!

Felecia’s proven offer process is the innovation we’ve all been waiting for… And the key to landing profitable, predictable, premium speaking engagements is now YOURS for the taking.


Science-signature talks kick off day 1 of our world class pitching curriculum. By the end of day one, you will know why pitches get rejected, how to handle objections, and how to nail your signature talk and talk description.
  • ​Identify your signature talk ****
  • Craft the perfect talk description
  • ​Learn the topics that get you on the radar of the true premium buyer.


By the end of day two, you will understand exactly where to find premium paid speaking opportunities, why people will buy and when to sell your talk.
  • Pitch strategies - Why people buy or they fly
  • ​Prepare your perfect pitch to get paid
  • ​Position yourself as the topic expert in your field 
  • ​Pre-frame your pitch to also sell tons of your books, products, app downloads, courses and services before you hit the stage
  • ​Learn exactly where to find premium buyers to pitch


By the end of day two, you will now know how to have the perfect conversation around selling your keynote/workshop.
  • Pitch scripts - What to say and how to say it, and what to say when they say your price is too high.
  • Create the right business systems for your speaking biz
  • ​How to price your signature talk and command top $$$
  • Make Sure Your Pitch Is Desirable-you will know how to position your talk for Premium value opportunities, past the stage.
I know what you are probably thinking...

“Oh Brother, Not Another Sales Pitch Disguised As A Challenge!”

Well, you're right. It's not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge. This challenge is the most comprehensive, yet simple to understand training program that makes securing consistent revenue EFFORTLESS. 

Have you ever made a premium pitch with a premium price tag… and had the client on the other end of the line thanking you in tears for giving them a chance to buy it from you? If not, you have a lot to learn about creating, conveying, and converting speaking pitches.

Learn From The Best

During this class you will uncover closely guarded advanced secrets that previously Felecia Hatcher has only shared in her ultra high-end masterminds! 

Whether you are a new speaker, or a speaker who is already generating 5, 6 or even 7 figures per month from speaking… You will gain knowledge about advanced pitching you didn't know existed.
*Limited VIP Availability

Check Out What Others Are Saying...

One Challenge. Two Ticket Options.


  • 2 Days Of Monetize Your Genius With Felecia Hatcher Queen Of Speaking Pitches
  • ​Access To The Facebook Group
  • Set Your Speaking Fee’s Like A Boss Workbook
  • How To Get Major Corporations To Sponsor Your Speaking Tour Or Events Training
  • Access to the Challenge Recording ***VIP Only
  • 30 Access to - A List of 400+ High Quality Speaking Opportunities delivered each month
  • VIP Pre-Game Via Zoom Q &A High level coaching for your current pitches. ***VIP Only
  • 2 Days Of Monetize Your Genius With Felecia Hatcher Queen Of Corporate and Speaking Pitches
  • ​A Bonus copy of Felecia's Genius Jam Workbook ($40 Value) 
  • Set Your Speaking Fee’s Like A Boss Workbook ($197 Value)
  • How To Get Major Corporations To Sponsor Your Events or Speaking Tour/Trainings ($997)
  • ​Access to The Monetize Your Genius Facebook Group & Access To The Challenge Recordings for 7 days 
  • ​​VIP Hour- Via Zoom Q&A Plus High Level Coaching For Your Current Pitches
  • ​7 Day Access To - A List Of 400+ High Quality Speaking Opportunities Each Month ($249 a month value)



  • 2 Days Of Monetize Your Genius With Felecia Hatcher Queen Of Speaking Pitches via Live training in the Facebook group (no zoom link)
  • ​​Access To The Facebook Group
  • 2 Days Of Monetize Your Genius With Felecia Hatcher Queen Of Speaking Pitches via Live training in the Facebook group (no zoom link, no Q&A, training only)
  • ​​Access To The Facebook Group and Challenge recordings for 24 hours each day.

Here's What You Get When You Reserve Your Ticket:

  • 2 Days Of Monetize Your Genius Training With Felecia Hatcher Queen Of Corporate and Speaking Pitches
  • ​​A Bonus copy of Felecia's Genius Jam Book ($40 Value) 
  • Set your Speaking Fee’s like a Boss ($197 Value)
  • How To Get Major Corporations to sponsor your speaking tour or events. ($997 Value )
  • Access To The Challenge Recording for 7 Days ***VIP Only 
  • VIP HOUR Via Zoom Q&A Plus High Level Coaching For Your Current Pitches - ***VIP Only 
  • ​​​7 Day Access To - A List Of 400+ High Quality Speaking Opportunities Each Month ***VIP Only  ($249 value)
  • ​Access to The Monetize Your Genius Facebook Group 

TOTAL VALUE: $10,097  |  NORMAL PRICE: $997


Check Out What Others Are Saying...

"Booked My First Speaking Gig"

"Good news- already booked my first speaking gig. I'll be delivering a keynote to a sales networking community in Oakland." 

- Aisha M

"The Wheels Are Finally Turning!"

"I just got word from FAU that I'll be their iLead conference at the end of this month! I'm their closing keynote. $3800. The wheels are finally turning!"
- Tiffany L

"I Signed My First University Deal"

"I signed my first university deal this week for $15k (10k to give both talks in 24hours and 5k for 50 course licenses)."

- Lauren H

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is this class for?

Current Speakers, Thought leaders, and Entrepreneurs who would like to be paid or paid more for speaking at events and those with products and services they would like to sell more of. 

If you are a course creator, coach or business professional looking to reach your maximum potential in business, this class is for you.

Q: Who is this class not for?

Wantrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious, please don't waste your money or our time.

Q: How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in The Monetize Your Genius Challenge. The General Admission Experience is only $149 and the VIP Experience is only $497 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom with Q&A and VIP Coaching with Felecia Hatcher.

Q: How is this different from your other courses or free content on speaking?

While I do have content available on sales and marketing your products and services… This is my premiere content on paid speaking and the first time I've created a challenge live or otherwise.

Q: Are the challenge classes live?

Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group.

Q: How does the 2 day challenge work?

Each day we will have a training complete with a Q&A session in the afternoon. That way you are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided and ask questions in the afternoon should you have any.

Q: Will I get direct feedback from Felecia?

Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the Q&A but not to ask questions directly. 

Instant Access to the Course